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Catholic Identity

Our Jesuit Tradition

Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School is one of more than sixty Jesuit high schools in the United States, 12 of which are Cristo Rey schools. We are part of a more than 450 year tradition of Jesuit education that began in 1558 with the founding of the Jesuit college at Messina, Sicily, a tradition that now encompasses thousands of schools—middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities, and the Fey y Alegría schools.

We are proudly a Catholic, Jesuit school that educates and uplifts students of all faiths. Jesuit education is, has been, and always will be focused on educating the whole person: mind, spirit, and body. 

At Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit, we accomplish this through cura personalis (personalized care and concern for the individual) and through a holistic curriculum that emphasizes not only academic success, but also a social and moral awareness, particularly for those who suffer most in our society. We engage students, faculty, and staff to uphold Ignatian values, foster self discovery, and ultimately create men and women for others.

  • aim to form life-long learners

  • aim to graduate students who possess the desire to be men and women for and with others. 

  • aim to graduate students who are committed to justice, intellectually competent, loving, open to growth, religious, and work-experienced.

Click here to learn more about the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).